Writing Excuses Master Class - Where Is My Story Coming From?
Originally, I was planning on putting this exercise off for a bit, but I'm realizing that I need help in this area. I actually went back to the Church of Book story I was working on for NaNoWriMo, and I decided that while the setting and idea were good, the plot I was putting together wasn't. I'm trying to come up with a new outline, and what do you know - March's theme for the master class was outlining! So, the writing prompt : Take a favorite piece of of media (but not something YOU created,) and reverse engineer an outline from it. Inspired by last night's Wrestlemania, I thought I'd take a stab at outlining one of the running storylines that was bumped up yesterday. This could be a little bit tricky, as wrestling storylines are pretty ad-hoc, depending on who's hurt in a given day. But let's try it anyway! Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar for the World Heavyweight Championship (spoilers ahead): Roman Reigns starts as a member of the Sh...