January Round-up
I'm trying something new here - we'll see if it works. Here's looking back on January 2016, as we get ready to begin February (already!). Words written: 4,482 on one project (Paranormal Investigations) Things accomplished in fiction: Alison returns to work, She and Jonathan start the will-they won't-they dance, and something seems a bit...off about Shawn. Writer-ly things accomplished: Spent some time sorting through outline notes and updating my draft, figuring out which scenes need to be moved and what needs to be added; feel like I'm in a better spot for moving forward. New books read: The Scorpion Rules (started in December, YA dystopia, beginning of a potentially awesome trilogy/series); Heaps of Pearl (short story set in the October Daye universe, fun and a little sad); A History of Civilization in 50 Disasters (started in December, light, bordering on a listicle, but points out some unexpected consequences of natural and human-driven disasters); How the ...