Camp Nanowrimo Day 29 and July Round-Up
So, is anyone else ready for 2016 to be consigned to the fires of history? I sure am. *sigh* At any rate, I live, I write (some), I read - let me tell you about it! Camp Nano word count - 6969 (ouch) July Round-Up: Words written YTD: 36,246 on one and a half projects (Paranormal Investigations novels and a prequel short story that didn't really go where I wanted it to) Things accomplished in fiction: the bookstore date went...poorly. Alison now knows that her coworkers know more about the paranormal than she thought, and one of them is some kind of fae? Maybe? Also, the new coffee blend is probably evil. (Such a Seattle villain, I swear) Writer-ly things accomplished: Re-jiggered my outline for the rest of PII based on the changes to the first book that have come up, making it more like something I think will make sense. Started using for weekly challenges, rather than relying on Camp Nano for monthly ones, which has gotten my progress going a little more...