Anniversary, and a building year ahead

So I just realized that Tuesday will be the one-year anniversary of this blog.  I still haven't finished a book to the point of self-publishing, but I've written more this year than I have in several years past, so I consider it a win.  (I've written even more, if I include the blog posts I've put up here.)

2014 has been an...interesting year.  Health issues and deaths in the family aside, it hasn't been bad.  I feel like I'm getting a better sense of who I am as a writer, which is a big part of what I need to be confident in my writing.  My day job has had its ups and downs, but the year is ending on a high note, which always makes me feel a little better.  I'm thankful for the life I am privileged to lead, and I hope to use my time to make the lives of others a little better, too.

There.  Now that I've gotten the maudlin sentimentality out of the way, it's time to set some goals for myself for next year.  More and more, I'm realizing that if I take the kind of business-like, metrics-driven approach in my personal life as I do in my professional life, I will probably be able to meet a few goals and feel like I've accomplished something.  I'm going to give myself a timeline as well, and will hopefully track against those dates here, where the internet can see.  Accountability!  That's the aim.  Anyway, goals!

  • Complete draft of book 2 of Paranormal Investigations, Inc.
    • Due: April 30
  • Complete draft of Church of Book
    • Due: August 31
  • Win at least one of either Camp Nanowrimo or Nanowrimo
    • Due: November 31
  • Complete edit of Paranormal Investigations, Inc.
    • Due: December 31
  • Submit at least one short story for publication
    • Due: December 31
Next year is going to be what they refer to in football as a "building year."  My hope is that I'll have something polished and actually COMPLETE by the end of the year.

Happy holidays, my friends.  I will be away from the blogosphere for the rest of the year, unless something extraordinary happens that I just can't wait to talk about.  Here's to a glorious 2015!


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