Another One Rides the Bus

If you're like me, you've ridden public transit a time or five in your lifetime. Today's Illumination is about one city's take on public transit, and how it's changing the way people move around.

In Dunkirk, they are one month into an experiment in free public transit. That's right, completely free for residents and visitors - all of the buses are hop-on, hop-off, and have been extended and made more frequent due to the additional demand.

Apparently, what happens when you make public transit free and more accessible is that more people take the bus, leaving their cars behind. They also travel more frequently - there are people who rarely traveled beyond their normal routes who decided that they were willing to try something new.

It's not right for everyone or every city, but being able to make it easier for people to move around is always a good thing. It's a symbol of freedom, after all.

On an unrelated note and for a personal Illumination, today is Nefertari's first birthday! This little kitty girl was everything we said we didn't want when we were looking for a new feline member of the household, but once she settled down with us, there was no turning back. Even Daisy's gotten used to her some.

Happy birthday, Little Bit!


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