Burning It Up

Coming to the end of week one of the Good News Project, and I'd love to know what other people think about things. Is this helping you? Does learning about something positive happening in the world help you get through the day?

Meanwhile, today let's talk about fire. Living on the West Coast in the US, I've heard and seen the devastation of wildfires every year. I've been fortunate enough not to have been damaged directly, but the fires are tremendous problems and destructive in multiple ways.

So it makes me so happy to know that there are scientists studying how to predict wildfires and how they spread. They're using controlled fires in specific areas to learn how fire moves in different circumstances and putting together models that will one day allow them to predict when and how fires will build and change.

Minimizing the damage fire does? That's the kind of thing that makes me that much more optimistic.


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