Art Appreciation in Action

Sorry tonight's Illumination is a little late - it's been a very long and busy day, but I was told multiple times (by people I'd never met before!) that folks were very happy I existed, so I'll call it a win. Tonight, we'll be talking about a group that is doing good in the world of

Specifically, artwork in war zones. The British Army is reviving a program from World War II (memorialized in the movie "Monuments Men") that will protect art and archaeology, as well as investigating looting and smuggling, and making sure allied forces are aware of the cultural heritage sites so that (hopefully) they don't get destroyed in battle.

It's not the greatest of thoughts, I know, but knowing that there are people who are working to save and restore the art of prior ages and maintain the symbols of multiple cultures, does make me feel some hope. Not ever light will be the biggest and the brightest, but they all dispel some of the darkness.


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