Operation: Unquestionable Hope, Day Four

Greetings and salutations! A bit of local news today (well, local to me - possibly not local at all to you, in which case welcome! What's it like where you are?). We've got another case of someone seeing a problem and working on a solution, using what he has available.

In Tacoma, Washington, a man named David Thompson has launched a local branch of the Food is Free Project. This non-profit encourages people who have the means to grow their own food to grow a little more and share with their neighbors and others who come through the neighborhood. That's it. Think of it as the extreme version of giving away all the zucchini that take over your veggie patch every year. (Seriously, those things are worse than rabbits and Tribbles COMBINED.)

The way Mr. Thompson does it, he puts a table out in front of his house with the produce he has available and a sign so people know that yes, it is free, really and truly. Just that small deed is enough to help someone who isn't able to access a farmer's market or grocery store, or who may not be able to afford fresh produce. It gives people an opportunity for better nutrition, which leads to better health, which can open up all kinds of possibilities.

Is he solving world hunger? No. But he doesn't need to. He's taking a small step to help the ones he can, and that's enough. It might just be a pebble, but get enough pebbles together and you start moving mountains.


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