That's No Moon!

I'm a geek, what do you expect? Operation: Unapologetic Positivity is continuing into its third day, though I have to admit that this is a touch harder than I expected it to be. I hadn't realized just how much I was avoiding the news at large until I was regularly looking through it for positive stories. If the press could cut back on the "if it bleeds, it leads" mentality, that would be super beneficial for my (and probably everyone else's) mental health, thanks.

However! Today, a robot landed on an asteroid! The Mobile Asteroid Surface Scout (MASCOT, I see what you did there) joins two baby hopping robots from the same mothership. To put the distance in perspective, the project launched from Earth in December 2014 and just made it into orbit around the asteroid a couple of months ago.

The whole project is an international affair - the German, French, and Japanese space agencies all have worked on some piece of the project. They managed to land on a flipping asteroid, and are already receiving pictures back from it! From little hopping robots!

No matter how awful things can be, it's really hard not to smile at the idea of hopping robots on an asteroid. Admittedly, it does give me one specific image...


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