Whale of a Tale (I know, I'm sorry, except not really)

Day two of the October of Positivity, Dammit! Today, let's look at a very lucky whale. On Saturday, this humpback whale beached itself about 200 miles south of Buenos Aires. Beached whales aren't particularly strong, since they aren't really meant to be on land, so this (7 ton) little guy was in trouble.

Over the next 28 hours, people worked together around the clock to get the whale back to its home. It took a lot of digging, a harness, and a tugboat, but the whale made it back into the waters on Sunday.

A couple of points here:

1. Look what happens when people work together toward a common goal! People have the potential to be so awesome.

2. The article I linked mentions using a "special harness," which naturally meant I had to go looking. Behold, the power of the internet!


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