And Like That, January Ends

2019's already started off with a bang, at least in the wider scheme of things. It's really easy to think that optimism and hope might just be pointless - things almost seem like they've gotten so dark, there's no way light can penetrate. I get it - I've had my fair share of doubt and apathy creep in.

The important thing to remember is that, so long as there's even one tiny light, darkness hasn't won. It's like a candle - so long as there's one flame burning, the dark isn't completely overwhelming. And, just like a candle, you can light another candle from that first one, doubling the fight against the dark. Even if you yourself aren't able to light a candle, you can still point people toward the candles that are lit. I keep envisioning standing with a mirror, directing the light of the candle outward so it goes that much further, on those days I can't hold my own candle.

I'd love to tell you that I have plans that I'll actually stick to, writing here more frequently and being more active and present in general, but I think we both know that way lies disappointment. I'm hoping to have the strength to hold my candle up, or at least shine a mirror when I can.


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