Not Like That

The last few months, I've been spending every Sunday morning writing with Mary Robinette Kowal's Make Me Write Zoom group. It's been really useful to have a dedicated time to focus on writing, and I've made some real progress on the novel I've been working on for *mumble* years now. I've also, for reasons unknown, started drafting poetry. I've submitted a few things for publication and gathered up the rejections, but I'm working on sharing some of it a little more. This one...I've been fighting with some stuff, and this one came easily to me, though it hurts a little to read now. So, obviously, I must share the pain!

Not Like That

Ask for what you deserve, they say,
Don’t expect people to just give you things.
You teach people how to treat you.
Advocate for yourself!

Fine. I deserve respect, I deserve kindness,
I deserve to be paid what my work is worth.
I want to be treated the way I treat others;
I have the right to expect these things.

Well, no, not like that, they say.
You go above and beyond for everyone.
You can’t expect people to just help you out.
You need to pull your own weight!

Fine. I will act my wage, doing the bare minimum,
Refuse to go beyond the basics.
I will focus on myself, my family, my home,
And everyone else can do the same.

Well, no, not like that, they say.
You’re too nice a person to let people struggle.
You need to help out where ever you can.
You can’t expect people to go it alone!

Fine. Let me ask you one thing, I’ve never known:
If I’m to help others, to support those in need,
To be a rock for others to steer by,
Then who helps me?

You do, of course. It’s all up to you. 


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